Monday, May 11

Bedtime Conversations and Deep Sleep

Tonight, shortly before 11:00, Sara Beth called me to take her to the bathroom. Inside, I was freaking out about the fact that she was up so late, but I calmly sent her to the bathroom. When I took her back into her room, she climbed into bed and curled up with her stuffed doggie, Suzie Doozie (not sure quite how to spell that) and told me the following things:

Suzie Doozie really likes my princess lamp. I told her there aren't doggies on it, but she is a princess too. Mama, will you hug and kiss her too?


So later, I'm sitting downstairs and I hear this really loud crash from Luke's room. I assumed he had fallen out of the bed, but he never made any noise so I went upstairs to see what was going on. And I was right--Luke had fallen out of his bed. From the way he was laying he probably even bonked his head on the little plastic stool beside his bed. But he hadn't made any noise because the boy was STILL ASLEEP. Man, I wish I could sleep like that!

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