Thursday, September 2

By the numbers

4:  the average number of toys/board games/collections of toys/sets of Lego's I can clean up in 15 minutes.
37:  the average number of toys/board games/collections of toys/sets of Lego's my children can dig out in those same 15 minutes.

10:  the number of children it sometimes feels/sounds like we have in our house.
1/2:  the factor by which that estimate is reduced when any one of our children is out of the house.

2:  maximum number of consecutive hours I can spend out of the house without baby Mark.
1.5:  the number of stores I can actually visit in that amount of time.
4:  the number of stores I typically need to visit when I leave the house alone.

342:  the approximate number of episodes of Phineas and Ferb produced by the Disney Channel since its inception.
342:  the approximate number of episodes of Phineas and Ferb I've been privileged to watch...usually multiple times over.

2:  the number of peanut butter sandwiches our 3 oldest can split for lunch.
14:  the number of requests for hot dogs we must endure during said lunch.

30:  the number of minutes it normally takes Mark to nurse.
30:  the number of minutes I accidentally slept today while Mark nursed for his 11:30 feeding.  Consequently also the number of minutes late lunch then became for the older kids.

500:  number of times per day I wonder to myself, "what exactly am I doing here???"

783:  number of times per day it's all okay...cause someone smiles

1 comment:

The Johnson Scoop said...

Haha - that's hilarious - love it! :)