Tuesday, April 21

Morning Fun = Afternoon Snack

Today was a milestone. We had random strangers at our house for a playdate! Three ladies and their kids came over for a coupon swap/playdate thing. All the kids were girls (bless Adam's little heart) and it was very apparent that Sara Beth is not used to sharing her things. She wanted everyone to see what she had to play with...just don't touch it! As awkward as I can be sometimes around new people this actually went pretty well. They even liked my chicken pie, which I thought was going to be a little iffy since I was minus a few ingredients. Once we started talking coupons, though, I could tell two of the ladies thought I was a little over-the-top. Good thing I didn't actually show them my stockpile! On their way out, one little girl even asked to come back. Sweet!

Now that they're gone, I'm not sure if I'm hyped on adrenaline (because everything went so smoothly) or sugar (because I've fallen prey to this package of Fudge Stripes). Must...put...cookies...away...

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