Wednesday, April 22

Random Observations...

Two things stick out in my mind this morning:

1) I was changing Adam's diaper, which happened to be full of nasty stuff. In full appreciation of the moment, I said, "Yuck!" Adam, being the little mimic he is, tried to repeat my observation. This whole thing was very cute except for the fact that he can't say /y/, so his version came out as something extremely inappropriate!

2) Why is it that having a morning shower is an automatic signal to my kids to make poop??? Every time we wash them, they just dirty up their little buns again as soon as we're done! Everyone had a shower this morning (at one point or another, not all at once), and all the little ones in this house have since put out their share of stink--a pattern I've noticed for a while. Maybe it's just me, but when I clean something I don't want to see that on it for at least a few hours!

Welcome to the world of mom...accompanied by a glimpse into my somewhat-goofy mind. :)

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