Friday, July 3

A Week of Mayhem anyone else's week as crazy as mine??? Last Friday we came back from the beach, so the house was a mess for a full three days. On Tuesday afternoon I left for Columbia, SC to attend my sister's graduation from basic training. She is now a card-carrying member of the Army National Guard! Thursday I returned home around 3:30 and we were all repacked and on the road again before 5:30. Yeah.

Several things were forgotten in that repacking process, I might add. Important things. Things we should never leave home without. But I digress.

Tonight we're having a night on the town with some real-live-grown-up friends and then tomorrow, as you may have guessed, we'll be back in the car. Again. Oh my.

I want to post about my sister's graduation and what an incredibly big deal I found that to be. I want to post about nearly 48 hours spent with my mother. And I want to post something about God's provision of mercy, love, and comfort. But for the moment, I am still a bit jet-lagged (or car-lagged, as the case may be) and our real-live-grown-up friends will be arriving soon to pick us up for a night of dinner and...well I don't know what for sure but I've heard rumors of miniature golf. I predict my husband will win. :D

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