Monday, June 29

What Time Is It?

It's time once again for...

I've been a bit out-of-the-loop for the past week or so, but I'm sure there are plenty of things I haven't done lately...

I absolutely did not almost lose my religion last Friday morning when my precious baby boy slammed his little baby head right into my nose! I also didn't spend the next ten minutes or so crying in my bed because it hurt so. very. bad.

Our whole family did not pull over in the parking lot of an empty building that I'm convinced was located in the absolute middle of nowhere so that my daughter could have her first outdoor potty experience. And said experience did not involve a bucket pulled from the beach bag in the back of our van.

While we were spending our mornings lounging on the beach, I did not seriously consider donning the bikini I wore on my honeymoon six years and three kids ago. In fact, I most definitely didn't even pack the skimpy little thing because what self-conscious woman with repositioned body parts would ever think of such a thing???

Oh, and there is not another urinating-in-an-inappropriate-receptacle story to go along with our vacation...but if there were I would definitely have to keep it to myself to protect the innocent and those involved against their will.

And no, that was not a tease. :)

For more bloggers in denial, visit MckMama!

1 comment:

All My Monkeys said...

Ooooh! That bonk on the nose thing is the worst! I'm likely to nearly rip heads off when that happens. My husband knows to intervene quickly. It's like it makes your brain fall out.

And what would be a vacation without some "fun" peeing experiences.